Distant Travels MUCK was a text-based game set in the far future. Players took on the roles of fighters in a super-high-tech war, fighting a tough
and determined enemy. Players assumed the roles of rank and file soldiers fighting in the conflict, and there was plenty of action - both in
and out of the tanks.
In order to ensure a level of equal opportunity between players, all characters were built using the Hammer's Slammers supplement to the Traveller RPG system from Mongoose (No longer available here), and conflicts were resolved with the Traveller RPG engine. Ships and worlds will also have attributes defined by game statistics, and so on.
We're obviously no longer looking for players, unfortunately. We had a somewhat-involved gameworld theme, which is written in several documents that are placed appropriately: the overarching theme is available globally and also here for curiosity purposes. Information on homeworlds and descriptions of career paths were available in character generation. There was lots of ingame help, obviously no longer around.
Our logs page has a few scenes we've run. This is the main reason I didn't just delete this site.
We have a map of the subsector. Unlike much of the Traveller-verse, it is sparsely populated and transportation is difficult.
The artist of this super-cool pic is here.
An experimental addon ruleset for tank maneuvers can be found here. It is intended to give drivers a role as important as the gunner, and also to help abstract the maneuvering system for battling without a map.