Distant Travels MUCK - Chases

In order to abstract tank battles for a situation without a map, the following rules are presented:

For each combat turn, each driver must choose one of three options: Change Range (pursuing or fleeing), Maneuver (for positioning without regard to range), and Go Hull Down (for best defense). Based on the below chart, each maneuver interacts a certain way and provides the listed advantages and disadvantages.

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Tank 1 Driver

Tank 2 Driver


Tank 1 Facing

Tank 2 Facing


Change Range

Change Range

Winner changes range by up to 1 in their favor. If both tanks are increasing or both tanks are closing, change range by 2.

Front if reducing range or enemy is increasing range, Rear if increasing range

Front if reducing range or enemy is increasing range, Rear if increasing range

If Range is shifted closer than Adjacent, increase range to Close as tanks overshoot unless a ram is successful.

Change Range


Tank 1 success changes range by up to 2 in Tank 1's favor, Tank 1 failure by up to 1.

Front if reducing range or enemy is increasing range, Rear if increasing range

Random if Tank 1 wins driving.

Tank 2's choice if Tank 2 wins Driving

If Range is shifted closer than Adjacent, increase range to Close as tanks overshoot unless a ram is successful.




Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Tank 2's choice if Tank 2 wins Driving

Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Tank 2's choice if Tank 2 wins Driving

Either party may declare a range increase of 1 prior to firing.

Change Range

Hull Down

Tank 1 success changes range by up to 3 in Tank 1's favor, Tank 1 failure by up to 2

Front if reducing range or enemy is increasing range, Rear if increasing range

Random if Tank 2 wins driving.

Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Hits on Tank 2 to other than turret location are negated if Tank 2 succeeds at Driving, regardless of winner.

If Range is shifted closer than Adjacent, increase range to Close as tanks overshoot unless a ram is successful.


Hull Down

Tank 1 success changes range by up to 1 in Tank 1's favor, unchanged for Tank 1 failure.

Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Random if Tank 2 wins Driving

Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Random if Tank 2 wins Driving

Hits on Tank 2 to other than turret location are negated if Tank 2 succeeds at Driving, regardless of winner.

If Range is shifted closer than Adjacent, increase range to Close as tanks overshoot unless a ram is successful.

Hull Down

Hull Down


Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Tank 2's choice if Tank 2 wins Driving

Tank 1's choice if Tank 1 wins Driving

Tank 2's choice if Tank 2 wins Driving

Hits on either Tank to other than turret location are negated if that Tank succeeds at Driving, regardless of winner.


If a maneuvering vehicle closes range to adjacent, a ram may be conducted with a successful Driving test. The facing sides are determined as above. Possible orientations are Head-on, T-bone, and Sideswipe according to the table below:


Tank 1 Facing

Tank 2 Facing

Collision Type













The Armor affected by a collision is same as the facing used to determine the collision type.

Collision Type:

Damage to Attacker

Damage to Defender



2d6 x Rammer's Drive Effect


Lesser of Rammer's Top Speed or Defender's Facing Armor

Lesser of Rammer's Top Speed or Facing Armor


Rammer's Top Speed + Lesser of Target's Top Speed or Facing Armor

Min of Rammer's Top Speed/Facing Armor + Target's Top Speed